Functional Testing

Specialist laboratories such as Nutripath, Clinical Labs and i-screen perform a range of functional pathology tests that we use to investigate functional, biochemical, nutritional, metabolic and hormonal status.

Results from these tests provide essential information to assist with the diagnosis, treatment and management of patient treatment plans.

Saliva, urine and stool samples are designed to be collected in the comfort of your own home with clear instructions on the process and your role of return collection.  

If blood samples are required you will be advised to your local pathology collection centre. 

Salivary Hormone Profile

Salivary hormone testing provides the most accurate assessment of your hormonal profile.  With return results I am then able to individualise your treatment plan to correct hormonal imbalances that may be effecting your overall health.  

Hormones tested:

Oestrone (E1)

Oestrodiol (E2)

Oestriol (E3)



Comprehensive Digestive and Stool Analysis - CDSA

Allows an investigative look into the function of the gastrointestinal tract, formulating insight into digestion, absorption, intestinal function and microbial flora, as well as testing for pathological bacteria, parasites and yeasts.  Poor digestion function and an imbalance of gut flora has been directly linked with a number of health conditions such as:  constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence, bloating, abdominal discomfort and a presentation of bad breath.


Signs and symptoms of a food-mediated reactions:

·         Anxiety                                  Fluid retention                   Migraines                                 Weight problems·         

          Arthritis                                 Gastritis                             Mood swings                            Inflammatory bowel disease

·         Asthma                                  Headaches                         Post nasal drip                          Irritable bowel syndrome

       Depression                            Bloating                              Indigestion                               Sinus congestion   

·         Constipation                          Insomnia                             Diarrhoea                                 Lethargy

·         Fatigue                                  Malabsorption                               Fibromyalgia                            Mental fog 

·         Sleep disturbances

·         Skin conditions, e.g. acne, rashes, eczema

Food intolerances differ by having varying causes includE:  

Lactose Intolerance - A genetic lack of enzymes needed to break down particular foods such as in the case of lactose intolerance.

Fructose Malabsorption - the body's inability to absorb certain food constituents

Salicylates - reacting to other food constituents such as amines:

  • found in chocolate, cheese, red wine or salicylates found in some fruit and vegetables such as capsicums, tomatoes and certain spices.

Food additives/colours - intolerances arising from food additives such as artificial colours and flavours, and commonly associated with childhood behavioural issues

Igg & IgA- Antibody activation

Immune activation involving IgG and IgA antibodies arising from food intolerances can be of a slow onset making it difficult to identify the reactive food culprits.  Most common allergens identified are foods found abundant within the western diet such as gluten, wheat, cow's milk, eggs and yeast.

Identifying reactive foods:

Two approaches commonly used for identifying reactive foods are through a combination of an elimination/exclusion diet

Food Detective same day testing/results

In House same day testing: Immune-mediated food intolerance testing, which can clearly identify which foods you are reacting to and can be organised through our clinic for a fast response.  

In response to results, a tailored treatment plan is set in place to help restore gut function often related to food intolerances.  Correcting nutritional deficiencies that may result from chronic undetected intolerances will give you more energy and an  improved health status having you feeling better within days.